Love Passed By…The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Love passed by today.

Stretching out His hand towards me,
I heard Him say, “Come.”

I barely noticed the invitation
for I was busy about with other things.

What things would be so important
as to miss an appointment with Love?

Looking back, I can’t remember.

All I do remember is the lost opportunity,
the ‘what if I grasped Love by the hand?’

Would I have been engulfed in His radiant splendor?


Today is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and it is an opportunity to meet Love.

The scriptures boldly tell of it … are we willing to listen to the story?

In Deuteronomy, Moses tells the people,

“You are a people sacred to the LORD, your God; he has chosen you from all the nations on the face of the earth to be a people peculiarly his own. It was not because you are the largest of all nations that the Lord set his heart on you and chose you, for you are really the smallest of all nations. It was because the Lord loved you and because of his fidelity…he brought you out with his strong hand from the place of slavery, and ransomed you…” (Dt 7:6-8)

In the first letter of John, he tells how God’s love was revealed to us:

“God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him. In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.” (1 Jn 7:9-10)


God ransoms us…God sends his Son as expiation for our sins. Love’s story is ultimately one of setting another free from the pain of their own undoing. The Scriptures tell of Love’s chasing after his beloved again and again. Love chastises us, brings us back, sets us anew on a straight course full of blessings. Then, something goes awry. Our lives get too crowded for the One who freed us. Are we ‘missing our appointment with Love?’

The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus gives a moment to silence ourselves in the busy-ness of our day, and contemplate God, who is Love, and because of His love for us, constantly stretches out His hand, and says, “Come.”


Litany of the Sacred Heart

Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart


Heart Shaped Stone describes this relationship really well with her blog post, Still.


6 thoughts on “Love Passed By…The Sacred Heart of Jesus

  1. Thank you very much for the invitation. The priest is unwilling that I go to church after the rite of baptism. He told me why you came here. I came to be
    baptized me a Chatholic. It was trying experience for me, however I went to church.
    Then, I was very exhoust. Now, The Canossian Sisters love me and are realized that God love us. I will go in His hand.

  2. Thank you sister for the reminder to stop from our busy lives and put what papa Jesus did for us first, we should never pass an opportunity to pass this great love on to others.
    God bless you Sister

  3. dear sr lisa,
    in the litany to the sacred heart of Jesus, there is an expression ‘Heart of Jesus,desire of the everlasting hills”. what does it mean /

    • Agustinus – the reference to the ‘everlasting hills’ is taken from Genesis 49:26. In the NAB, quote: “…The blessings of the everlasting mountains, the delights of the eternal hills…” The context used in Genesis is that of a blessing, just as Jacob blessed his son Joseph. The blessing is an eternal one. ‘Eternal Hills’, are ever a blessing to those who live by them, always bearing fruit; always bestowing blessing.

      How much more so is our blessing in having Jesus Christ forever present in the Blessed Sacrament, and is a constant reminder of the eternal blessing that awaits us.

      For further study, this phrase is also mentioned in De 33:15 Ps 89:36 Isa 54:10 Eze 37:25,26 Jon 2:6 Hab 3:6.

      God bless!

    • the people saw the mountains and hills as permanent. nothing can change them. so a … “desire of the everlasting hills” is a never ending desire. a desire that will last as long as the hills will last. to the people of that time and place that would be eternal.

      danny, LCF, LMSC

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