Walk for Life West Coast 2013

As reported (under the radar), the Walk for Life West Coast grew from last year’s attendance, topping the 50,000 mark. It was an incredibly beautiful, sunny day, and although the wind was pretty cold, we were so thankful (especially after seeing our brothers and sisters in DC braving below freezing temperatures the day before!).

I attended the walk for the third year running now, and I never tire of meeting the people at this peaceful demonstration for life. Looking at the pictures, it amazes me to see the diversity. Young and old. Healthy and frail. People of every culture and skin color. Most of them God-fearing, and all of them brought together for the sake of the unborn and their mothers.

Here are a few pictures I managed to take during the day.

Taken around 11:00am, with still an hour and a half to wait before the rally began. The ‘Abortion Hurts Women’ sign was the backdrop for the stage.  
Here’s some early arrivals with their own handmade signs. Young families were everywhere…lots of strollers and wagons!
By 12:30, the crowd was pretty substantial, much more dense. Joyful anticipation in the air as the rally got underway!

At the rally, we were graced with the presence of Papal Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò who came to pray with us, and relayed a message from Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, stating the walk witnessed to the “moral imperative of upholding the inviolable dignity of each member of our human family, especially the smallest and most defenseless of our brothers and sisters.”

People are ready to march with their messages in hand.

There were seven speakers at the rally, each giving inspiring testimony to their pro-life values. At the close of the rally, walkers readied their signs and quickly made their way to the McAllister and Market Streets.

The Walk begins, armed with signs and prayer.
This was a group of citizens, just as diverse in ethnicity as in various ages.
Both young and golden years, walking together.
One of the youngest marchers armed with a ‘Life’ Balloon!
One of many Church groups represented, this one taking a picture at the END of the walk…lots of happy faces.

Of course, there were some groups protesting alongside the marchers, occasionally yelling out their position for having abortion on demand, sterilization and contraception freely available. The pro-life marchers would simply drown out the opposition by shouting out ‘pro-life’ over and over again.

Between the two groups, one distinction was clear. If one wanted to measure the difference between the pro-life movement and the pro-abortion, one didn’t have to look too hard to find it.

Peace. Joy. Love. Kindness. Forbearance. Faithfulness. Self-Control.

It was evident everywhere in the attitude of the marchers for life. And there is no law that can be made to take that away.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” 

Galatians 5:22-33

Special thanks to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Sacramento, for letting me tag along for the day!

And a special thank you to Matt Cassens at St Blogustine for asking if I’d be posting on the Walk this year. He posted too on the DC Event.

Others who blogged about this:

Walk for Life West Coast Blog

Live Action News


5 thoughts on “Walk for Life West Coast 2013

  1. This was my first time at the West Coast version of the March for Life, and it was a truly moving event…even the wonderful pics posted here (thanks, Sister!) do not do it justice.

    To be part of a 50,000+ throng demonstrating — peaceably but with a quiet power that was awesome to be a part of — our love of life and our undying belief that life is the right of everyone (and in SF, of all places), was amazing ot behold. [Even the local newscasters — not exactly pro-life stalwarts in this one-party town — could scarcely conceal their amazement…dare I say the Holy Spirit seemed to be doing double duty on Saturday?]

    The dispiriting effect it had on the few dozen mean-spirited, catcalling pro-choicers (who seemed to me to be spoiling for a fight) was just an added bonus. [Although they, unfortunately, WERE able to conceal their amazement (behind a wall of hateful commentary, much of it directed at the children who were marching).]

    I cannot wait to go again next year, and every year until this battle is won.

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